What are the real benefits of Senior Move Management services?
What is a Senior Move Manager? We are the helpful people that will reduce the stress and simplify the frustration of downsizing, by handling all the moving details, including the ones you may not have even thought about.
The reality of cleaning out the attic, closets, basement, cupboards and the garage is so overwhelming that you don’t know where to start and just the thought of it is stressful and exhausting! We are here to help!

You decide which services would benefit your needs. Personalized, client-centered services are designed to meet the client’s needs and preferences. Families, particularly, should never doubt the power of an outside expert!
Senior Move Managers® have significant expertise in resources and approaches that save money, reduce stress and produce quality results.
Refresh approaches moving with enthusiasm, and a positive attitude that includes a sense of humor, care and optimism. We share our excitement for the next chapter of your life!
We help you BLOOM wherever you are planted!
NASMM members are reviewed for insurance and experience requirements prior to acceptance. Additionally, NASMM requires all new members to take certificate classes in Senior Move Management Ethics and Safety. These programs, along with NASMM’s ongoing educational programs reflect the NASMM commitment to professionalism and to working with older adults.
NASMM members adhere to a Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice; and NASMM members are guided and supported by the NASMM Ethics Compliance Committee.One call to a Senior Move Manager® can connect you with services older adults and families need for a seamless, successful transition of all kinds.
Click here to download your guide to Stress-Free Rightsizing and Relocation.
The National Association of Senior Move Managers (NASMM) is the leading membership organization for Senior Move Managers and, as such, is the best place for you to find one. NASMM is recognized for its innovative programs and expertise related to senior move management, transition and relocation issues affecting older adults.
- NASMM members specialize in helping older adults and their families with the daunting process of downsizing and moving to a new residence.
- NASMM members are experienced professionals, bound by a pledge of integrity, committed to safety and ethics, and dedicated to continuing professional development.
- NASMM members will move you expertly, compassionately, and affordably.